One of the best things about school is the fresh start the new year brings!  I look forward to helping your child get off to a good start in first grade.  I am excited about the great things this year will bring.  Welcome back!
The last month of school is upon us!  It is hard to believe!  There are always a whirlwind of assessments, classroom projects and school events at this time of year.  It can be a bit overwhelming for the little ones, and even for us! 

Please join me in reassuring your child that, even though changes are on the way (new teachers, new schools, new grade levels...), school will continue to be a fun and AWESOME experience.  Plus, they can always visit, call or e-mail their old teacher - who will be missing them like crazy!

I am also looking forward to a change, as I will be teaching first grade at Lynch in the coming year.  I am excited, but will miss the "wonders" of that first year of school.  Change is sometimes hard, but it is also good.  It is what causes us to grow and learn! :)
Report cards will be sent home this Thursday.  The kids are doing so well!  I am proud of them, but, more importantly, they are proud of themselves.  I will be staying after school on March 15 and 19, and am available to meet with you if you wish to discuss your child's progress.  Please contact me by March 14 to set up an appointment if you are interested.  If you are not available on these days, please let me know, and I will set something else up.  If you prefer to have a phone conference, we can do that as well.  :)
Enjoy the weekend with your little ones.  I look forward to seeing them back in class on Tuesday.  If you have a chance, check out our photo share site for photos of the Grandparents/Valentines fun.  There are some precious pics!  Thank you to all the grandparents and special guests that attended.  The party was very enjoyable!

I hope you are also having some fun with the activities on the Math Calendar.  Remember, this calendar is in place of the weekly homework for the month of February.  Kids who complete all activities on the calendar will get a math prize.

Coming up:  March is Reading Month.  Be on the lookout for a calendar with a reading focus for the month of March.
     I have posted the math month calendars for both E5 and K, Valentine party info and the February newsletter.  I have also added some reading and handwriting information under the "Parent Resources/Articles and Research for Parents" tab.  If your child completes one of the handwriting booklets, please have him/her bring it in.  I have some special certificates for recognition and reward of great work. :)
     I am really looking forward to having the Grandparents visit!!Please check the classroom share site after the Grandparent Valentine celebration.  I plan to take some photos and put them up. 
We LOVE to play in the snow.  If there is snow on the ground, please send boots, snowpants, hat and gloves/mittens to school with your child.  If your child is in need of boots, please contact me.  We have some boots available and can try to match your child to a pair.

Please check your child's gear...We are missing a black pair of snowpants!  Please check the size and brand to be sure your child has the right pair.  The owner's name has been written on the missing pair.  We also have a few unclaimed items in the Lost and Found.  Please mark all of your child's belongings in permanent marker with his or her name. 

Thanks for your help!
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday break.  I look forward to all the wonderful learning experiences that the New Year will bring!
It was a lot of fun seeing all the family members at the sing-a-long today.  The kids enjoyed themselves, as did I.  Please check the class photo site for pictures of the event.

Please remember to read for at least 20 minutes per day over the holiday break! :)
I hope all of you have a wonderful holiday with family and friends!  I am so thankful for all my wonderful kiddos and their families!  :)
During the past week, I was hard at work completing a number of assessments for the upcoming report card.  As always, I am amazed and delighted by the kids' progress.  I LOVE teaching Early Fives and Kindergarten because the kids grow SO much, so fast!  They are so "on fire" about their newly acquired skills.  It is my hope that this love of learning stays with the kids throughout their lives! 

Parents, the kids would not be making such amazing strides if it weren’t for your care and support.  You are an amazing bunch!  Thanks again for all you do, and keep up the great work!!

This year seems to be going by so quickly!  It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of the first trimester!  I wish I could slow time a little!

We had a great time dressing up, playing games, parading around the school and enjoying cider and donuts.  I took many photos and will post them on our share site this evening after I trick-or-treat with my kiddos. :)  
Thank you to all the parents that contributed or came to help.  The kids and I are grateful! 
I hope you have a wonderful evening!  Enjoy the tricks and treats.